Sacred Mind
Sacred Body
Sacred Space

My Favorite Things to Call in the Magic

Every journey of the soul starts with an exploration. I believe we all have magic in us, if we open ourselves to connecting with it. But the busy-ness of our modern lives can make it hard to create the Sacred Space needed to open that connection, even for those of us who have dedicated our lives to this practice. 

Below, I’ve curated a list of some of the tools I use to create Sacred Space for myself. To align with intuition. To draw out negative energy and gain clarity. To connect deeply within to call in light.

These are some of my favorite Oracle Decks to help align your Soul.

The Deck for the Explorer of the Soul

Welcome to your inner journey! This deck was created with the intention to bring about the magic, the synchronicities to your everyday life. These cards have the inexplicable power of giving you what you need to know in every moment. And will spark your own personal brand of knowing and revelations. So use accordingly on life’s adventure.

Rider Waite Smith Deck

This is the deck I use to interpret cards and give readings! The Rider Waite is an original and most traditional deck of tarot.

These oracle decks are my way of confirming or adding clarity to what I’m seeing in the Rider Waite Smith deck. These cards become a vehicle to deliver divine messages from the soul. 

The Rumi Deck

This Rumi inspired tarot deck written by Alana Fairchild is like music to my sweet soul. I use it very sparingly to really soak up its magic. It’s for when the seas are rough and I most need to be reminded who I am. When I’m called to give a deck as a present, this is the one I most often gift.

The John Holland Oracle Deck

If you connect with Tarot as I do, The John Holland Tarot Oracle deck may inspire you. I use one card pulls for simple questions and guidance in my everyday life.

Bird Messages

I connect with birds, winged messengers bringing truth when truth is needed for self or in readings. This is the deck I use when I sense something trying to hide. And you get to learn about birds!

The Mother Mary Oracle

The Mother Mary Oracle has been a divine gift of guidance especially in times when a feeling of being held is needed. This deck swirls with mystical words that soothe and compel beautiful action.

The right scent can transport to a distant memory or orient us in a present space.

Neroli Oil from India

I use Neroli Oil from India to set the stage for myself, to say to my deeper self, this is the space for connection to the infinite. This neroli oil scent brings you into alignment to your very core. Connected to the solar plexus chakra, the oil dabbed on your body, clothes or your tarot cloth can be calming to your nervous system and bring your soul into peace.